Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Saturday 26 November 2011

Why God consciousness is required?

We are very expert in defining professional life goals career path, objectives etc. This is because we are aware that these things will help us in getting money, necessities, luxuries which ultimately lead to smooth, sound and entertaining life. But are they enough for us to also give personal satisfaction, peace and ultimately Happiness which we are all searching for?

We often see the news of people having serious health problems caused by the modern work culture and environment. During the work hours they will be really stressed to finish work on time. Or a manager will be full of anxiety for the current as well as upcoming projects. During weekends or holidays we will be busy doing homework for next work week!!! We will be attending several meetings conferences at real locations or online or may be simply planning and searching ways and means to solve problems at work for next week. This affects our personal life too and we lose what we call as "work-life" balance. Being too stressed we take up intoxication etc, which makes our life further miserable.

So what is the reason that when we are young and enthusiastically starts our career, then after certain period of time we got into such troublesome conditions, which we have not asked for? Of course there are few people who are in top positions, are still enthusiastic and successful. But only "few" are like that. Not "Everyone".

This is because we are misled by leaders(political or entrepreneur) who are blind, for they do not know the aim and objective of human life. Human life is only meant for self-realization and the reestablishment of our lost relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the missing point.

According to holy scriptures, the perfection of life is to realize one’s relationship with Krishna or God. In Bhagavad-gita, which is accepted by all authorities in transcendental science as the basis of all Vedic knowledge, we understand that not only human beings but all living entities are parts and parcels of God. The parts are meant for serving the whole, just as the legs, hands, fingers and ears are meant for serving the total body. We living entities, being parts and parcels of God, are duty bound to serve Him.

Actually our position is that we are always rendering service to someone, either to our family, country, society and company. If we have no one to serve, sometimes we keep a pet cat or dog and render service to it. All these factors prove that we are constitutionally meant to render service, yet in spite of serving to our best capacity, we are no more satisfied. Nor is the person to whom we are rendering that service satisfied. On the material platform, everyone is frustrated.

The reason for this is that the service which is being rendered is not properly directed. For example, if we want to render service to a tree, we must water the root. If we pour water on the leaves, branches and twigs, there is little benefit. If the Supreme Personality of Godhead is served, all other parts and parcels will be automatically satisfied. Consequently all welfare activities as well as service to society, family and nation are realized by serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

It is the duty of every human being to understand his constitutional position with God and to act accordingly. If this is possible, then our lives become successful. Sometimes, however, we feel challenging and say, “There is no God,” or “I am God,” or even, “I don’t care for God.” But in actuality this challenging spirit will not save us. God is there, and we can see Him at every moment. If we deny seeing God in our life, then He will be present before us as cruel death If we do not choose to see Him in one feature, we will see Him in another. There are different features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He is the original root of the entire cosmic manifestation. In one sense, it is not possible for us to escape Him.

So the conclusion is: we are dissatisfied in our endeavors for happiness because we are neglecting the  importance of God consciousness in our life. If we don't cultivate love of God, then our life will dry and sad, no matter how much big material plans we will make. As simple as that. We are striving hard for our external bodily maintenance  and requirements, but ignoring the real inner self.

Next question arises- how to cultivate God Consciousness or Krishna consciousness in our daily lives and be happy?  We will discuss this in further posts

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