Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Saturday 11 June 2016

Does This Vedic Verse Predicts Creation of Pakistan?

SB 12.1.37

sindhos taṭaṁ candrabhāgāṁ
 kauntīṁ kāśmīra-maṇḍalam
bhokṣyanti śūdrā vrātyādyā
 mlecchāś cābrahma-varcasaḥ
Word for word: 
sindhoḥ — of the river Sindhu; taṭam — the land on the shore; candrabhāgām — Candrabhāgā; kauntīm — Kauntī; kāśmīra-maṇḍalam — the region of Kāśmīra; bhokṣyanti — will rule; śūdrāḥ — śūdras; vrātya-ādyāḥ — brāhmaṇas who have fallen from the brahminical standard, and other disqualified men; mlecchāḥ — meat-eaters; ca — and; abrahma-varcasaḥ — lacking spiritual potency.
The land along the Sindhu River, as well as the districts of Candrabhāgā, Kauntī and Kāśmīra, will be ruled by śūdras, fallen brāhmaṇas and meat-eaters. Having given up the path of Vedic civilization, they will have lost all spiritual strength.

The areas mentioned in the above verse are all in Pakistan
 Sindhu River - Indus
Candrabhāgā - Chenab river
Kashmir- Known as it is

 ref: Srimad Bhagavatam 12.1.37

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