Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Thursday 9 June 2016

No need of any magic!

People do not know that they can become immortal. Immortal we are, but we have been embodied in this material body. Therefore we have to accept mortality, birth and death. This is the beginning of spiritual life. Spiritual life means how to become immortal. They come to ask me, "Sir, do you know some spiritual magic?" All for material benefit. For them spiritualist means something magic so that you can get some material benefit. If by stretching your hand you can get some little quantity of gold, then you are spiritualist: "Oh, here is a man, wonderful spiritualist. He can create gold. He can cure disease by simply Fooing (blowing air).” They want to see magic only for material benefit. 

Spiritual life means how to become immortal. So the yoga-siddhi is that magic. Devotee can show better magic, but they do not bother their time for yoga practice. Because he's under the care of the supreme magician, Krishna. So if there is need of magic, Krishna will show. Why he should bother? Just like a small child is dependent on his father. Father is rich man. So he says to his father, "Father, I want this." That is very costly. So he doesn't require to get the money. The father is there. He'll get the money. "All right, take it." So that is the facility for the devotees. 

If you can hold the hand of Hari, then you can show wonderful magic, which no magician, no yogis can display. That is the position of devotee. They do not care for practicing yoga to show some magical feats. Neither do they require it. Neither do they want it. Because devotee's position is, "Krishna, whatever You like, You can do." That's all. He has no desire.

Ref – Compilation from Srila Prabhupada’s Lectures, (Bhagavad-gita 2.15-London, August 21, 1973 & Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.6-Vrindavana, October 17, 1972)

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