Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnava

Wednesday 29 June 2016

There are 4 kinds of people who set an alarm clock

The first kind are those who set an alarm but the never wake up. they are so deep into sleep that they just don't hear the alarm ringing. The whole world wakes up but they keep sleeping.

The second are those who hear the alarm clock and keep snoozing, they postpone their wake up time.

The third ones are those people who hear the alarm clock wake up and think for sometime and again go back to sleep switching off the alarm clock.

The Fourth Kind are those people who hear the alarm clock and wake up and engage themselves in productive activities , in the purpose of their life.

This message of Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagwat Gita, the words of Srila Prabhupada are like an alarm clock .

The first person keeps hearing about Krishna consciousness and and he still keeps sleeping i.e., he is still engaged into material sinful activities

The second person keeps postponing ,he keeps saying " from tomorrow I will be Krishna conscious, from tomorrow I will chant my rounds, from tomorrow I will reduce Vaishnav aparadh, from tomorrow I will become serious, from tomorrow I will offer prasadam." He keeps snoozing .

The third person is the one who follows Krishna consciousness very nicely and conveniently gives it up after sometime and gets back to his material sinful life .

The fourth person is the one who wakes up to these messages and engages himself in Krishna consciousness .

Hare Krishna

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